Intelligent Motion Systems Computer Hardware UDAS 1001E User Manual |
INNOVATIVE PC Data Acquisition Solutions
UDAS-1001E Series
Hardware User Manual
for the
Multifunction Data Acquisition System
Technica l Assista nce a nd Service
Seller's warranty as herein set forth shall not be enlarged, diminished or affected by, and no
obligation or liability shall arise or grow out of, Seller's rendering of technical advice, facilities or
service in connection with Buyer's order of the goods furnished hereunder. Products returned for
warranty service, but which are found to be fully functional and in conformance with
specifications may be subject to a nominal service charge and return freight charges. Periodic re-
calibration of products, if required, is the responsibility of Buyer and is not provided under this
Online Support
If errors persist after repeatedly checking the unit as described in the UDAS-1001E Series
Hardware User Manual, check the technical support links on Intelligent Instrumentation’s 24-
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Intelligent Instrumentation’s technical support can be reached via email. When sending an email
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Seller ships all static-susceptible products in anti-static packages. Seller's Warranty as herein set
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Tra de m a rks
U-Link‘ ‘ ‘ ÔSoftware Libraries is a trademark of Intelligent Instrumentation Incorporated.
VisualDesignerÒ is a registered trademark of Intelligent Instrumentation Incorporated.
LabVIEWÒ is a registered trademark of National Instruments Corporation.
WindowsÒ 98 is a registered trademark of MicrosoftÒ Corporation in the U.S.A. and other
Other products or brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
Use of Equipm e nt
Intelligent Instrumentation Inc., assumes no responsibility for any direct, indirect or
consequential loss or damages resulting from misuse of the equipment or for improper or
inadequate maintenance of the equipment or for any such damage or loss resulting from the use
of other equipment, attachments, accessories, and repairs at any time made to or placed upon the
equipment or any replacement thereof. Furthermore, Intelligent Instrumentation Inc., makes no
representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, in connection with the use of the
equipment in the event it is improperly used, repaired or maintained.
FCC Ra dio Fre que ncy Inte rfe re nce Sta te m e nt
This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy, and may cause interference to radio
or television reception.
Per FCC rules, Part 15, Subpart J , operation of this equipment is subject to the conditions that no
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from any authorized radio user.
The operator of a computing device may be required to stop operating his device upon a finding
that the device is causing harmful interference and it is in the public interest to stop operation
until the interference problem has been corrected.
The user of this equipment is responsible for any interference to radio or television reception
caused by the equipment. It is the responsibility of the user to correct such interference.
UDAS-1001E Series User Manual
Revision History
Original Release
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
UDAS-1001E Series Data Acquisition Systems
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.1.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIGURE 1.1 UDAS Series Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 UDAS 1001E Series Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2.1 Data Acquisition Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIGURE 1.2 UDAS-1001E-4 dimensional drawing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2.2 Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 Software Support and Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3.1 Software Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Configuration and Installation
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Power-on Default Digital I/O Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIGURE 2.1 UDAS Switch S1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TABLE 2.1 CJC Jumper Positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3 Connecting the UDAS Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Checking the System
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 Installing and Running UDAS SYSCHECK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 SYSCHECK Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.1 Unit Info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIGURE 3.1 Unit Info dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.2 System Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIGURE 3.2 UDAS SYSCHECK System Check dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . Analog Input Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIGURE 3.3 UDAS SYSCHECK Analog Input Test of a UDAS unit. . . . Analog Output Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIGURE 3.4 UDAS SYSCHECK Analog Output Test of a UDAS unit . . Counter Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIGURE 3.5 UDAS SYSCHECK Counter Test in Count Mode . . . . . . .
FIGURE 3.6 UDAS SYSCHECK Counter Test: Measure Input High Mode 3-8
FIGURE 3.7 UDAS SYSCHECK Counter Test: Measure Frequency Mode 3-9
FIGURE 3.8 UDAS SYSCHECK Digital I/O Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.3 Paced Analog Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIGURE 3.9 UDAS SYSCHECK Paced Analog Input Window . . . . . . .
FIGURE 3.10 High-Speed Aquisition Sample. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4 Troubleshooting Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4.1 Basic Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIGURE 3.11 System Error message window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of Contents Verify Lower Level Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Appendix A Specifications
A.1 UDAS-1001E Series Hardware Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TABLE A.1 Hardware Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.2 UDAS-1001E-3, UDAS-1001E-4 Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIGURE A.1 Dimensions of the UDAS unit (Top view) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIGURE A.2 Dimensions of the UDAS unit (Rear panel) . . . . . . . . . . .
FIGURE A.3 Dimensions of the UDAS unit (Bottom view) . . . . . . . . . .
FIGURE A.4 Dimensional Drawing of the UDAS series PCB . . . . . . . .
A.3 UDAS I/O Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TABLE A.2 UDAS I/O Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Appendix B Accessories
TABLE B.1 Accessories for the UDAS-1001E Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B.1 UDAS Termination Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B.1.1 PCI-20429T-1 Multifunction Termination Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIGURE B.1 Securing the PCI-20429T-1 to the UDAS unit . . . . . . . . .
FIGURE B.2 PCI-20429T-1 Multifunction Termination Panel . . . . . . . .
B.1.2 UDAS Termination and Signal Conditioning Options . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIGURE B.3 UDAS-1001E Termination Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIGURE B.4 UDAS-1001E Termination Options (continued) . . . . . . . .
FIGURE B.5 Diagram of the PCI-20430A-1’s connectors and cables. .
B.1.3 Isolator Blocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Appendix C Analog Input and Output Calibration Procedures
C.1 UDAS Analog Input Circuit Calibration Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C.1.1 Removing the UDAS Unit’s Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIGURE C.1 Locations of Potentiometers for Adjusting Analog Circuits
C.1.2 Analog Input Calibration Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C.2 UDAS Analog Output Circuit Calibration Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ch a p t e r 1
UDAS-1001E Series Data
Acquisition System s
1.1 Introduction
The UDAS-1001E Series Data Acquisition Systems are stand-alone, multifunction, plug-and-play
data acquisition systems that connect to the Universal Serial Bus and operate using power
supplied through either the USB connector or an external power supply.
All of the systems feature analog inputs (8 differential, 16 single-ended), digital I/O (Two 8-bit
ports, each port configurable to input or output), and one counter channel. Selected models
include an analog output section.
The UDAS Models include:
This is a stand alone unit for use with standard termination products.
This model is similar to the UDAS-1001E-1, without the housing for use in OEM applications or
other situations where a bare board is appropriate.
This is a stand alone unit for use with standard termination products. It includes a two-channel
analog output with wave form generation.
This model is similar to the UDAS-1001E-2, without the housing for use in OEM applications or
other situations where a bare board is appropriate.
This model has a multifunction data acquisition system with built-in termination.
This model is similar to the UDAS-1001E-3, with built-in termination and analog outputs.
UDAS-1001E Series Data Acquisition Systems
1.1.1 Fe a ture s
Features and basic specifications of the UDAS units are listed below. Specifications of each UDAS
unit are listed in Appendix A, Specifications. The UDAS system block diagram is shown below.
Dotted line indicates optional Analog Output
FIGURE 1.1 UDAS Series Block Diagram
Softwa re Support Libra ry
The software support library is included with the UDAS.
UDAS Support Software includes:
U-Link Software Libraries for Windows 98
LabView 5.0 Support Library
UDAS Device Driver
Visual Designer Support Library
The SYSCHECK application enables you to verify the UDAS installation is functioning properly.
SYSCHECK can also be used during the calibration procedure and for simple data acquisition.
U-Link Software Lib raries for Wind ows 98
These function libraries allow custom application development using C/C++ and Visual Basic.
Lab View 5.0 Sup p ort Library
Allows the use of UDAS with LabVIEW.
UDAS Device Driver
To use the UDAS unit, Microsoft Windows requires the UDAS device driver.
Vis ual Des igner Support Lib rary
The Visual Designer Support Library allows the use of the UDAS device in Visual Designer 4.0
Ana log Input
The UDAS unit features:
16 Single-ended or 8 Differential Analog Inputs
(±0.05 V, ±0.1 V, ±0.5 V, ±1 V, ±5 V, ±10 V, and 0-0.1 V, 0-1.0 V, 0-10V programmable input
Analog Input resolution: 12-bit (1 part in 4096).
Up to 100 kHz input sample rate (built-in timebase generator).
Analog Trigger function to start analog-to-digital conversions.
Ana log Output
The UDAS unit features:
Up to 100 kHz output rate (built-in timebase generator).
2 analog outputs at 12-bit resolution (±10V output range, 1 part in 4096).
Waveform generation
UDAS-1001E Series Data Acquisition Systems
Digita l Input/ Output
16 Programmable digital I/O channels. Groups of 8 separately programmable for input or
Digital inputs can be programmed to read digital signal status, detect a change-of-state or to
perform low speed event counting (up to 2 kHz).
Digital outputs can drive TTL level signals.
8 of the 16 I/O channels can be configured for preset direction and output state levels for safe
power-up and reset situations.
Counte r
One 16-bit counter channel performs general purpose event counting and frequency measurement
up to 20 MHz up to 2 MHz for high-speed event counting.
Term ination
The UDAS-1001E-3 and UDAS-1001E-4 units have built-in depluggable termination blocks for
connecting I/O signals. The UDAS-1001E-1 and UDAS-1001E-2 units have a 50-pin I/O connector
for attaching external termination. Information on termination panels is provided in Appendix B,
1.2 UDAS 1001E Series Functional Description
This section provides information on the following data acquisition functions:
Analog input
High-speed analog input
Acquisition pacing and triggering
Power supplied by the USB port or by an external power supply
1.2.1 Da ta Acquisition Functions
Ana log Input
The A/D converter on the UDAS device is a 12-bit converter with a throughput rate of 100 kHz.
For analog input:
Programmable input voltage ranges are 0-10 V, ±5 V, and ±10 V.
Programmable gains are 1, 10, and 100 which translate to a full-scale input of 0-10 V, 0-1.0 V,
0-0.1 V, ±10 V, ±1.0 V, ±0.1 V, ±5 V, ±0.5 V, and ±0.05 V.
The analog input section has 16 single-ended or 8-differential analog input channels.
The analog input section has a first-in-first-out (FIFO) buffer for high-speed capturing of data up
to 100 kHz.
An analog trigger is also provided to initiate high-speed conversions based on a voltage transition
on a selected analog input channel, or on an external TTL level signal. A programmable crystal-
based rate generator regulates high-speed conversions.
High-Spe e d Ana log Input Mode
High-speed mode uses the rate generator (described below), or an external input to start data
conversions. The use of the rate generator or an external signal to start conversions is referred to
as pacing.
On the UDAS unit, the rate generator is able to provide rates from 0.477 conversions per second
to 100,000 conversions per second. These conversions are either performed on a single input
channel, or performed on a range of input channels by using the channel scanner (described
When the conversion is complete on the current channel, the channel scanner automatically
selects the next channel. The term high-speed refers to the use of pacing to automatically begin
the conversions. The speed of the actual rate of conversions can be controlled by using the rate
generator. See Rate Generator , on page 1-6.
Sta rting a nd Stopping the High-Spe e d Ana log Input Mode
There are several methods to start and stop conversions available on the UDAS:
Start with trigger, Stop with software
Start with trigger, Stop after N samples
Start with software, Stop N samples after trigger
Start with software, Stop with software
Start with software, Stop after N samples
Starting Convers ions
To start the conversions, use either a trigger or a software command. The trigger can be an
external digital TTL level input, or an analog input. For an external TTL signal, the slope (rising
edge or falling edge) must be specified. Use the external input pin to provide this input.
UDAS-1001E Series Data Acquisition Systems
If an analog input is used for the trigger, specify the trigger level, analog input channel, and
slope. Use analog output channel 1 for setting the trigger level.
No te : When using analog input channel 1 for a trigger, do not use this channel
for any other purpose.
When an input signal on the selected channel of the proper slope (rising or falling voltage) crosses
the trigger level, the conversion process begins.
Stopping Convers ions
To stop a conversion, use either a software command, an N sa mples counter, or a combination of a
trigger and an N sa mples counter.
Use the N sa mples counter to specify the number of samples that you want to capture.
When the trigger is used to stop a conversion, and the N samples counter is used, a post-
triggering function occurs. In this mode, software is used to start conversions and continue
indefinitely until a trigger event occurs. When a trigger event occurs, N additional samples are
Ra te Ge ne ra tor
The UDAS unit contains an on-board 24-bit rate generator for analog input pacing. The base clock
for the rate generator is an 8 MHz clock derived from a crystal which provides 125 ns resolution
and a frequency range of 0.4768371 Hz to 4 MHz.
The I/O connector has a rate generator output pin that is driven by either the Analog Input Rate
Generator or the Analog Output Rate Generator.
Cha nne l Sca nne r
When the channel scanner is enabled, immediately after the conversion on the current channel
finishes, the next analog input channel to be converted is automatically selected.
The UDAS device incorporates a 0 to N scanner. This allows analog conversions on all of the input
channels from channel 0 to channel N, where the value of N is programmable.
The scanner selects each channel for conversion, beginning with channel 0, incrementing to
channel N. After the conversion on channel N is complete, the scanner selects channel 0 and the
process repeats.
The scanner operates with the built-in analog channels, or with the optional AI-MAX. The AI-
MAX allows up to 256 analog input channels to be connected to a single UDAS device.
No t e : The scanner begins on the selected trigger channel and not channel 0 when the
start on trigger mode is used with an analog input trigger.
High-Spe e d Ana log Input Trigge ring
To start or stop conversions, use triggering in the High-Speed Analog Input mode in the UDAS
device. The trigger signal can be either an analog input or a digital input.
When using an analog input as the trigger, the start on trigger mode causes the scanner to start
on the trigger channel. For example, if the trigger channel is set to 5, the N channel of the 0 to N
scanner is set to 7, the return data is as follows:
channel 5
channel 6
channel 7
channel 0
channel 1
channel 7
channel 0
When using the stop on trigger mode and the trigger is from an analog input channel, the trigger
signal is sampled only when the trigger channel is the active scanner channel. Although this
allows any channel to be used for triggering, it imposes some restrictions on the characteristic of
the trigger signal.
The duration of the trigger signal must be long enough to cause the unit to trigger. Use the
following formula to calculate the length of a signal to ensure that the signal is long enough to
activate the trigger: (To ta l ch a n n e ls s ca n n e d )/ (s ca n ra te in Hz ).
UDAS-1001E Series Data Acquisition Systems
Exam ple:
If 9 channels are being scanned at a rate of 100Hz and the slope is low to high, the trigger signal
must remain below the trigger level for 9/100 of a second, and above the trigger level for 9/100 of a
second to ensure that a trigger event occurs. When using External Input as the trigger, this
restriction does not apply.
When using an analog input channel for triggering, analog output channel 1 is used to set the
trigger level.
No t e : Do not use analog output channel 1 for any other purpose while analog
triggering is in use.
Due to the internal configuration of the unit, the voltage appears on the analog output 1 pin as
the negative value of the desired trigger voltage. Connecting this pin to another signal, or
shorting it out causes the trigger voltage to be incorrect.
Auto Ze ro
When in auto zero mode, the inputs to the Analog input circuit are internally grounded, disabling
the input multiplexers. This enables a known 0 volt signal to be measured, and the value read can
be used to compensate for input offset errors.
Ana log Output
The UDAS device has two analog output channels. Each output channel has 12-bit resolution and
a ±10 V output range. A FIFO is available for waveform generation.
This FIFO can be used as a circular buffer for either or both analog output channels to allow
repetitive waveform generation and supports waveforms of up to 512 points (single channel) or
256 points (dual channel). The unit also supports non-repetitive wave forms.
When the unit is powered-on and the analog outputs are not enabled, the output voltage is 0 V.
This provides a known voltage when the UDAS unit is powered-up.
Analog output channel 1 is also used to support the analog trigger function for hardware-paced
analog input conversions (as described above).
Digital I/ O
The digital data acquisition circuit consists of two 8-bit digital I/O ports providing 16 digital I/O
bits and one 32-bit counter. Output power-on states are configured for Port 1 through an internal
DIP switch. The digital I/O is configured as 2 ports (0 and 1) of eight bits each.
Digital I/O signals are TTL-compatible and perform functions such as reading digital inputs,
driving digital outputs, and detecting input change-of-state.
Digital I/O direction is programmable separately for each port through software. A nine-position
DIP switch is provided inside of the unit to select the power-up direction of Digital I/O Port 1
(input/output) and to individually set power-up output states for each bit.
Counte rs
One counter input line is connected to a 32-bit counter for high-speed counting (up to 2 MHz).
This counter supports event counting and frequency measurement.
An event counter counts pulses occurring at its input. For frequency measurement mode, the
pulses are captured over an internally generated gate time. The frequency is calculated from the
captured count and the gate time. The gate time can be set to 1ms, 10ms, 100ms, or 1s through
Term ination
The UDAS unit provides the user with several options for connecting to I/O signals. You can use a
50-pin ribbon cable to connect signals directly to the UDAS unit.
There are many termination products available from Intelligent Instrumentation with a 50-pin
interface. See our catalog for a variety of termination options. For the UDAS-1001E-3 and UDAS-
1001E-4 models, use the built-in termination to connect signals directly to the unit.
The built-in termination panel is directly mounted to the back plate of the UDAS unit, providing
easy access to all I/O signals (FIGURE 1.2, UDAS-1001E-4 dimensional drawing). The
connections are made using pluggable 5mm terminal strips to simplify the wiring. A cold junction
compensation circuit (CJ C) is incorporated on the board to allow the use of thermocouples.
To use the CJ C circuit, you must enable it by setting the jumpers. The jumpers are located on the
back side of the termination panel and require removal of the panel to gain access. For
information on the jumpers, reference Chapter 2, Configuration and Installation, and see TABLE
2.1, CJ C J umper Positions.
No t e : When the CJC is enabled, differential channel 0 is used. Do not connect
anything to Analog Input 0 or Analog Input 8.
UDAS-1001E Series Data Acquisition Systems
A diagram of the termination panel for the UDAS-1001E-4 unit is shown below.
FIGURE 1.2 UDAS-1001E-4 dimensional drawing
1.2.2 Powe r
The UDAS unit normally uses power from the host computer via the USB cable. Power can also be
obtained from an external power supply that is available (See Appendix B, Accessories). When the
UDAS unit is connected to a power source, the computer controls the power. The unit does not
have a power switch. There is an LED labeled PWR located on the front panel that indicates
power to the unit, regardless of its source.
The USB specification imposes strict requirements on power usage. If an external power supply is
used, up to 200 mA at +5 VDC is available to external termination circuits (available at pin-26
and pin-48 of the unit’s 50-pin I/O connector).
See section 1.3, Software Support and Accessories or Appendix B, Accessories for the part numbers
of the available Power Adapters. If the power is supplied from the PC through the USB port, care
must be taken to limit the load from the external termination panel to less than 20 mA.
1.3 Software Support and Accessories
1.3.1 Software Support
UDAS SYSCHECK software for Windows is an easy-to-use system assurance and diagnostic
utility package. UDAS SYSCHECK is a useful tool for quickly verifying the hardware is
functioning properly. This program also performs basic data acquisition tasks. UDAS
SYSCHECK is provided on the UDAS-1001E Data Acquisition System CD, or is available to
download, free of charge, from Intelligent Instrumentation’s Web site (
De ve lopm e nt
Vis ual Des igner Application Generator
Visual Designer is a powerful, easy-to-use application generator that supports all of Intelligent
Instrumentation’s data acquisition hardware and is available from Intelligent Instrumentation.
Use Visual Designer to develop custom Windows applications for collecting remote data using a
graphical block diagram development environment.
To create custom applications in a fraction of the time it takes when using a programming
language, Visual Designer is able to combine built-in professional screen displays and user
interface elements with powerful data acquisition and processing blocks.
UDAS-1001E Series Data Acquisition Systems
Vis ual Des igner UDAS Sup p ort Lib rary
This support package provides the block functions necessary to acquire data and output data
using the UDAS device. To use Visual Designer or the Visual Designer Evaluation Version with
an UDAS unit, the Visual Designer UDAS Support Library must be installed on the computer.
LabVIEW UDAS Support Library
This support package enables the development of customized UDAS data acquisition and control
applications under the LabVIEW environment. To use this software, National Instruments
LabVIEW software (version 5.0 or higher is supported) must be installed on the computer.
Ch a p t e r 2
Configuration and
2.1 Introduction
This chapter contains instructions on the configuration and installation of the UDAS unit.
2.2 Power-on Default Digital I/ O Configuration
In some situations, it is important to have the digital output port on a UDAS unit initialize at
power-on to a particular state. For example, if the digital output port controls a piece of
mechanical equipment, safety regulations may require the digital output port bits to have values
of 0000 0011 when power is first applied. Port 1 on the UDAS unit provides the ability to set the
power-on direction to output and the states of all of the bits. A switch block located on the main
board of the UDAS unit accomplishes this task. Since the default switch states configure the port
for input, you may not need to change the switch settings.
This section contains instructions for setting the power-on default Digital I/O configuration, if
Use proper static-sensitive device handling procedures (such as the use of grounded
wrist-strap) when opening the unit, as damage to the equipment may occur.
Re m oving the Cove r
1. Unplug the power supply to the UDAS unit.
2. Using a Phillips head screwdriver, remove the two Phillips head screws on the front face plate
of the UDAS unit I/O cover. The front face plate contains the power and status indicators and
the USB connector.
3. Carefully separate the face plate from the cover.
4. Slide the cover towards the open end of the unit to free it from the back termination plate,
removing the cover from the UDAS unit.
Configuration and Installation
Se tting the Configura tion
Switches 1-8 set the initial levels of the port’s channels 0-7 if the port is set for output operation.
A switch set to the On position sets the corresponding port’s output channel to a high level (TTL
+5V) on power-up.
FIGURE 2.1 UDAS Switch S1
If you plan to use any of the digital I/O ports for output control in your application(s), note the
following Caution statement:
For applications using UDAS units to generate output signals for control or other
sensitive purposes, the status or level of outputs during power-up may be of critical
importance. Integrated circuits and other devices powered by supply voltages are
subject to possible transients or an indeterminate status while the power supply
voltages are making the transition from zero to their steady-state values.
Locate switch S1 shown in FIGURE 2.1, UDAS Switch S1 in the lower left-hand corner of the
1. Set the direction for Port 1. The default setting is input (Off).
To designate Port 1 as an output port: set switch 9 to the On position.
To designate Port 1 as an input port: set switch 9 to the Off position.
2. To set the initial data for Port 1, set switches 1-8.
On = 5 V
Off = 0 V
No te : You can reconfigure any of the ports through software after the unit is
powered-up. Port 0 always powers-up as an input port.
Re insta lling the Cove r
1. Insert the cover onto the rails located on both sides of the base of the UDAS unit and slide the
cover towards the back panel until the cover is seated into the frame on the back panel.
2. Place the face plate over the edges of the cover and unit’s frame.
3. Align the screw holes on the cover with the unit, insert each Phillips screw on the face plate
and tighten the screws into place.
Enabling the CJC
To enable the CJ C:
Install jumpers A, C and D on J P1.
The CJ C circuit uses differential channel 0 to report compensation information to the UDAS.
When using the CJ C circuit, verify there is no external signal connected to channel 0/8.
Configuration and Installation
Channels connected to a thermocouple must be connected to bias resistors for proper operation.
Use jumpers J P2 and J P3.
No t e : When monitoring thermocouples, always use differential channels.
To select the jumpers for each channel that you plan to use for thermocouples, use TABLE 2.1,
CJ C J umper Positions shown below.
JP1 Jumper Position JP2 Jumper Position
Channel #
AI 1
AI 2
AI 3
AI 4
AI 5
AI 6
AI 7
AI 9
AI 10
AI 11
AI 12
AI 13
AI 14
AI 15
TABLE 2.1 CJC Jumper Positions
2.3 Connecting the UDAS Unit
Ma king the Initia l Connection
1. With the computer powered up, connect the USB cable to the computer or hub.
2. Connect the other end of the USB cable to the UDAS unit.
3. Verify the red PWR LED located on the face plate of the UDAS unit illuminates.
4. The system builds a driver information database, and then the Add New Hardware Wizard
dialog appears on the computer monitor. The wizard searches for new drivers for the unknown
device. Click the Ne xt button.
5. Select Se arch for the b e st d rive r, and click the Ne xt button.
6. Insert the UDAS-1001E Data Acquisition System CD in the computer’s CD ROM drive.
7. In the Add New Hardware Wizard dialog, select the CD-ROM drive by clicking on the check
box. Deselect the check boxes for the Floppy Disk drive (default setting), Microsoft Wind ows
Update , and Sp e cify Location Op tions. Click Ne xt to continue.
8. The Wizard finds the TAOSDRV.INF file and displays a message stating the file has been
found. Click the Ne xt button.
The Wizard copies the driver and rebuilds the driver database.
9. After the installation process is complete, click the Finish button.
The unit’s driver is now installed.
10. Verify the red STATUS LED located on the face plate of the UDAS unit is illuminated.
11. Verify the system is operating correctly using the UDAS SYSCHECK software. UDAS
SYSCHECK software is included on the UDAS-1001E Data Acquisition System CD and can
also be found on Intelligent Instrumentation’s web site. See Section 1.3.1, Software
Support, on page1-11 in Chapter 1, UDAS-1001E Series Data Acquisition Systems.
12. For information on using SYSCHECK, see Chapter 3, Checking the System in this manual.
Ch a p t e r 3
Checking the System
3.1 Introduction
This chapter contains instructions for installing and using the UDAS SYSCHECK software. The
software contains diagnostic features that verify the UDAS unit is functioning.
Use extreme caution when using SYSCHECK.
The UDAS SYSCHECK software could cause unexpected results in the equipment that you
connect to the UDAS unit.
Depending on the type of equipment that you have connected to the UDAS unit, severe
damage to equipment and/or bodily harm may occur while conditions of the UDAS are in
Large unisolated voltages may damage the UDAS unit. UDAS analog output will not drive low
impedance loads.
The UDAS digital I/O inputs and outputs must be TTL compliant.
UDAS analog inputs in excess of 20 V may cause permanent damage to the UDAS unit.
UDAS counter inputs must be TTL compliant.
SYSCHECK is only an interface to the UDAS unit(s). The way that you interface input or outputs
to the UDAS can be a complicated issue.
Since a variety of termination panels are available for the UDAS units, refer to the
documentation provided with the termination panel for the exact I/O configuration of the specific
panel that you purchased.
Termination options are discussed in Appendix B, Accessories in this manual.
Checking the System
3.2 Installing and Running UDAS SYSCHECK
UDAS SYSCHECK provides an easy-to-use graphical interface for using and displaying the I/O
capabilities of the UDAS unit.
Syste m Re quire m e nts
UDAS SYSCHECK 1.0 only runs on Windows 98.
The installation requires approximately 1 Mbyte of free disk space.
Insta lling SYSCHECK
1. To install UDAS SYSCHECK, insert the UDAS-1001E Data Acquisition System CD into the
CD ROM drive on the computer.
2. From the Windows 98 desktop, click Start, select Run and type:
<Us e yo u r CD d rive le tte r>:\ Sys ch e ck\ SETUP.EXE<ENTER>
3. Follow the software installation instructions in the dialogs (to stop the installation press ESC
or click Cancel).
When the installation is complete, UDAS SYSYCHECK files are copied to a newly created
folder on the computer’s hard drive. A new folder with shortcuts to the UDAS SYSCHECK
program appears on the Start menu.
3.3 SYSCHECK Operation
When SYSCHECK runs, it queries the Universal Serial Bus (USB) to locate all of the UDAS units
that are attached to the host. UDAS SYSCHECK reports the number of UDAS units detected and
tracks the UDAS units by a unique serial number assigned to each unit. The serial number is
provided on the outside of the unit, and internally in the UDAS unit’s firmware.
In the UDAS SYSCHECK window, the main menu contains three selection tabs, Unit Info,
System Check, and Paced Analog Input as shown in FIGURE 3.1, Unit Info dialog .
In the Unit Info dialog, select one UDAS unit from the drop-down list. After making your
selection, other features of the software allow you to display inputs to, or manipulate outputs
from, the selected UDAS unit.
3.3.1 Unit Info
The Unit Info dialog displays the number of UDAS units detected and has a drop down list
containing the serial number for each UDAS unit detected by SYSCHECK.
FIGURE 3.1 Unit Info dialog
If there is only one UDAS unit, the message shown beneath the drop down list displays the unit
type and self-test results. When the self-test reads PASSED, the unit is operable.
If multiple UDAS units are being used, to select a unit for testing, click the desired serial number
in the list.This selection process updates the description and the self-test results to reflect the
state of the currently selected unit.
After you select a unit’s serial number from the list, the SYSCHECK and paced analog input
operations are performed on the selected unit.
Checking the System
3.3.2 System Check
When the System Check tab is selected, a dialog containing buttons used to execute a variety of
system test programs appears as shown in FIGURE 3.2, UDAS SYSCHECK System Check dialog.
FIGURE 3.2 UDAS SYSCHECK System Check dialog
The System Check tabbed dialog displays four major sub-functions possible on the UDAS units.
These include Analog Input, Analog Output, Counter, and Digital Input/Output. Click one of
these buttons to open a dialog to manipulate and/or display the desired sub-function on the
selected UDAS unit.
To test each of the I/O types listed in the dialog, click the corresponding button to launch a new
window for testing that I/O type on the UDAS unit. Examples of each I/O test are provided in the
next two sections.
3-4 Analog Input Test
Click the Analog In button to access a new window specific to analog input. The UDAS
Test of a UDAS unit appears.
The analog input test performs software-based reading of the first 8 analog input channels on
UDAS units.
Select from the drop-down lists to select the Range, Gain, Single Ended/Differential configuration,
and Average (the number of readings to average from each channel).
Select either the Volts or Counts radio button to display the channel data in volts or counts.
Click the Re ad Channe ls button to acquire the input voltages to the UDAS unit. Each time that
you click the Re ad Channe ls button, the channel data is read by the UDAS unit and the display is
FIGURE 3.3 UDAS SYSCHECK Analog Input Test of a UDAS unit
Checking the System Analog Output Test
The analog output test controls the voltage on the analog output channels of the UDAS unit.
In the UDAS SYSCHECK Test Category Selection Window, click the Analog Out button and the
Output Test of a UDAS unit opens.
In the Channel 0 and Channel 1 fields, click to insert the cursor and enter the desired value (volts
or counts) in any of the four data entry fields.
After replacing the old value with a new value, press the Ente r key to update both analog outputs
from the UDAS unit.
Clicking the Disab le Outp uts check box grounds both of the analog output channels.
FIGURE 3.4 UDAS SYSCHECK Analog Output Test of a UDAS unit
3-6 Counter Test
The counter test monitors TTL transitions that are connected to the counter input of the UDAS
unit. Depending on the mode that you select, the TTL level of the gate pin may effect the readings.
For all of the modes except Me asure fre que ncy, data is automatically read and displayed four
times per second.
For the Me asure fre que ncy mode, the rate of display updates may be slower depending on the
gate time selection.
Checking the Re se t counts e ve ry d isp lay check box causes the counter to reset to zero after every
read and display cycle. The interface is shown in FIGURE 3.5, UDAS SYSCHECK Counter Test in
Count Mode.
FIGURE 3.5 UDAS SYSCHECK Counter Test in Count Mode
Checking the System
For the Count when gate is high and the Count when gate is low modes, the TTL level of the gate
enables or disables counting, depending on the mode that you set. If there is no input connected to
the gate input, use the Count when the gate is in high mode.
For the modes Me asure inp ut hig h p e riod, Me asure inp ut low p e riod , and Me asure total p e riod ,
the data displays shown at the bottom portion of the dialog provide the status and the time
between the most recent appropriate edges as shown in FIGURE 3.6, UDAS SYSCHECK Counter
Test: Measure Input High Mode.
FIGURE 3.6 UDAS SYSCHECK Counter Test: Measure Input High Mode
The status field is looking for TTL transitions.
Select the Me asure fre q ue ncy radio button and the dialog shown in FIGURE 3.7, UDAS
SYSCHECK Counter Test: Measure Frequency Mode opens.
Select the desired Gate Time. The data displays shown at the lower portion of the dialog provide
the status and the frequency in hertz.
FIGURE 3.7 UDAS SYSCHECK Counter Test: Measure Frequency Mode
The gate time is the amount of time that UDAS uses to count TTL transitions. This time base
allows frequency to be calculated by the software.
Longer gate times result in frequency calculations with more significant digits because a greater
number of transitions are gathered. Shorter gate times result in frequency calculations with
fewer significant digits because a smaller number of transitions are gathered.
Checking the System
Digita l I/ O Te st
The Digital Input/Output test enables you to read data from, or write data to, either 8-bit Digital
I/O port on a UDAS unit. FIGURE 3.8, UDAS SYSCHECK Digital I/ O Test shows an example
test of the UDAS unit that has two 8-bit digital I/O ports.
Use the Input and Outp ut radio buttons to select the direction of a port.
The input and output data is displayed in Hexadecimal (0-FF).
Input ports are read and displayed four times per second.
Output data is written to the port only after clicking the Write Output Data button.
3.3.3 Paced Analog Input
The Paced Analog Input dialog enables you to configure a hardware-paced analog input process.
Select the number of channels to include in the data run, select the gain, and select the single-
ended/differential from drop-down lists in each field. See FIGURE 3.9, UDAS SYSCHECK Paced
Analog Input Window.
FIGURE 3.9 UDAS SYSCHECK Paced Analog Input Window
The pacer rate controls the clock rate of an on-board clock generator.
This clock can be configured for frequencies from 1 to 100,000 hertz. The pacer rate and number of
channels determine the sample rate for each channel in the run.
Checking the System
Clicking the Hig h-Sp e e d Run button (shown in FIGURE 3.9, UDAS SYSCHECK Paced Analog
Input Window) configures and starts the process. This launches a full screen window that
displays the results of the run.
FIGURE 3.10 High-Speed Aquisition Sample
The time base is displayed on the x-axis and the voltages are displayed on the y-axis. A sample
screen is shown in FIGURE 3.10, High-Speed Aquisition Sample. Slow pacer rates may have slow
screen update rates.
3.4 Troubleshooting Tips
3.4.1 Basic Troubleshooting
If you are unable to successfully communicate with the UDAS unit, this section contains
troubleshooting hints which may help identify the problem.
Verify that all of the proper connections have been made between the computer, UDAS unit(s),
and the equipment being monitored. If running SYSCHECK displays a message on the computer
monitor in a pop-up window as shown in FIGURE 3.11, System Error message window, reference
section, Verify Lower Level Drivers.
FIGURE 3.11 System Error message window Verify Lower Level Drivers
To verify that low-level drivers are functional, check the USB port, UDAS driver, and power.
USB Port
Verify the system has a USB port that is properly installed from the Windows’ Start menu by
following these steps:
1. From the Start button, click Settings, then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click on the System icon.
3. Click the Device Ma na ger tab.
4. Click the View devices by type radio button.
If you do not see the Universal serial bus controller, resolve the problem with the USB port before
Checking the System
UDAS Drivers
Verify the UDAS system driver is properly installed by following the instructions for the USB
Port (above).
Click on the plus sign (+) located next to the Universal serial bus controller. When the directory
opens, double-click III Taos USB Data Acquisition System. A pop-up window appears displaying a
message that reads, This de vice is working prope rly.
If the III Taos USB Data Acquisition System icon does not appear in the USB devices list, verify
that both of the LEDs located on the front panel of the UDAS unit are illuminated. Verify that
your external equipment is not consuming excessive power. Refer to the power test in the next
Powe r Te st
For proper operation, the power test requires:
the UDAS device be powered.
the UDAS device be connected to the USB.
the UDAS device pass its power on self-test (POST).
the UDAS device be initialized by the host computer.
To perform the power test:
1. Unplug the USB cable from the UDAS port.
2. Plug the USB unit cable back into the UDAS port.
One LED illuminates immediately, indicating power.
The computer monitor may display the Busy hourglass icon while the UDAS unit
The UDAS status LED illuminates after POST and host enumeration.
3. Verify the UDAS unit has two LEDs illuminated.
Troub les hooting Errors
If the two LEDs do not illuminate:
Disconnect the I/O signals from the unit.
Unplug the unit for several seconds then reconnect the unit to see if the LEDs illuminate.
Some built-in tests may fail if the board was incompletely reset, even for components that are
functioning normally.
Verify the unit is receiving power and the power LED is illuminated.
Check the wiring and cables for shorts or damage.
No t e : For units with USB cables connected directly to the computer as a power
source, when the computer’s power is off or if the computer is in a suspended
mode, the UDAS unit shuts down.
If errors still persist after repeatedly checking the unit, check the technical support links on
information and contact addresses.
Ap p e n d ix A
A.1 UDAS-1001E Series Hardware Specifications
All specifications are typical at 25ºC unless otherwise noted.
No t e : When powered from an external source, the on-board power supply circuit can
supply up to 200mA at 5V DC to termination panels through the 50-pin I/O connector.
Analog Inputs
Number of Channels
12-bits (1 part in 4096)
0 - 10 V, ±10 V, ±5 V
±20 V
Voltage Ranges
Overvoltage Protection
Power on or off
Software Programmable
1, 10, 100
Gain Accuracy
Gain = 1
Gain = 10
Gain = 100
Input Offset Voltage
Input Bias Current
Input Impedence
500 pA
10 9 ohms/50 pF
Common Mode Input
±10 V
Common Mode Rejection
60 Hz, 100 ohm imbalance
Gain = 1
Gain >= 10
TABLE A.1 Hardware Specifications
Input grounded at connector
Gain <=10
Gain = 100
1.0 LSB
DC Accuracy
Linearity Error
No missing codes, guaranteed
±0.024%FS (± 1LSB)
100 k Samples/second
Analog Trigger (with AO
±10 V
28 mV
4.88 mV nominal
Analog Outputs (Optional)
Number of Channels
12 bits (1 part in 4096)
±10 V
Voltage Ranges
100 k Samples/second
Digital I/O
Number of Ports
Input Levels
Input Current
Output Levels
8 channels (bits) per port
High Level / Low Level
Vout = High/Low
23 mA/1 mA
15mA / 12mA
High-Speed Counter
TABLE A.1 Hardware Specifications (Continued)
Number of Channels
Max Input frequency
TTL-level input
2 MHz
TimeBase Generator
Rate Generator (24-Bit)
2 (1 analog input, 1 analog output)
125 ns
Output Frequency Range
Output Levels
0.5 Hz to 1 Mhz
Bus Interface
Voltage Range
Current Available(*1)
Current Requirements
USB or External
+5 V
+5 V
200 mA maximum
<500 mA
USB powered
Physical Characteristics
5.75" D x 7.25" W x 1.60" H
14.61 cm D x 18.42 cm W x 4.06
cm H
Operating Temperature
0 - 50 C
All Specifications are typical at 25 C unless otherwise noted. Note (*1): When powered from an
external source, the on-board power supply circuit can supply up to 200mA at 5VDC to
termination panels through the 50-pin I/O connector.
TABLE A.1 Hardware Specifications (Continued)
A.2 UDAS-1001E-3, UDAS-1001E-4 Dim ensions
UDAS units are housed in standard metal enclosures made of a rugged extruded aluminum base
(connected to chassis ground) with a vinyl-clad steel cover. Interior tracks on side rails hold the
circuit board securely in place. This page provides the dimensions of each unit with the
FIGURE A.1 Dimensions of the UDAS unit (Top view)
FIGURE A.2 Dimensions of the UDAS unit (Rear panel)
4 PL
FIGURE A.3 Dimensions of the UDAS unit (Bottom view)
The dimensions of the UDAS PC board are shown below in FIGURE A.4 Dimensional Drawing of
the UDAS series PCB.
FIGURE A.4 Dimensional Drawing of the UDAS series PCB
A.3 UDAS I/ O Connectors
Signal Name
Single Ended Input Function
Differential Input
Analog Input Channel 0
Analog Input Channel 1
Analog Input Channel 2
Analog Input Channel 3
Analog Input Channel 4
Analog Input Channel 5
Analog Input Channel 6
Analog Input Channel 7
Analog Input Channel 8
Analog Input Channel 9
Analog Input Channel 10
Analog Input Channel 11
Analog Input Channel 12
Analog Input Channel 13
Analog Input Channel 14
Analog Input Channel 15
Analog Input Channel 0+
Analog Input Channel 1+
Analog Input Channel 2+
Analog Input Channel 3+
Analog Input Channel 4+
Analog Input Channel 5+
Analog Input Channel 6+
Analog Input Channel 7+
Analog Input Channel 0-
Analog Input Channel 1-
Analog Input Channel 2-
Analog Input Channel 3-
Analog Input Channel 4-
Analog Input Channel 5-
Analog Input Channel 6-
Analog Input Channel 7-
Analog Ground
Analog Ground
Analog Ground
Analog Ground
Analog Ground
Analog Ground
Analog Ground
Analog Ground
Analog Ground
Analog Ground
Analog Ground
Analog Ground
5V Supply
5V Supply
TABLE A.2 UDAS I/O Connectors
Signal Name
Single Ended Input Function
Differential Input
AO 0
AO 1
Analog Output Channel 0
Digital I/O bit
Digital Port 0 bit 0 27
Digital Port 0 bit 1 28
Digital Port 0 bit 2 29
Digital Port 0 bit 3 30
Digital Port 0 bit 4 31
Digital Port 0 bit 5 32
Digital Port 0 bit 6 33
Digital Port 0 bit 7 34
Digital I/O bit
Digital I/O bit
Digital I/O bit
Digital I/O bit
Digital I/O bit
Digital I/O bit
Digital I/O bit
Digital I/O bit
Digital Port 1 bit 0 35
Digital Port 1 bit 1 36
Digital Port 1 bit 2 37
Digital Port 1 bit 3 38
Digital Port 1 bit 4 39
Digital Port 1 bit 5 40
Digital Port 1 bit 6 41
Digital Port 1 bit 7 42
Digital I/O bit
Digital I/O bit
Digital I/O bit
Digital I/O bit
Digital I/O bit
Digital I/O bit
Digital I/O bit
Digital I/O bit
Counter Clock
Counter Gate
Counter input
Counter gate input
Rate Generator
Analog In or Analog Out
(selectable) Rate Generator
TABLE A.2 UDAS I/O Connectors (Continued)
Signal Name
Single Ended Input Function
Differential Input
External Input
External Trigger or Pacer input
Digital Ground
Digital Ground
TABLE A.2 UDAS I/O Connectors (Continued)
Ap p e n d ix B
This appendix includes information on the termination and mounting accessories that are
available separately from Intelligent Instrumentation for the UDAS unit.
TABLE B.1, Accessories for the UDAS-1001E Series provides the model numbers for the UDAS
units, the cables, and the power adpaters.
UDAS Model #
Multi-function USB data acquisition system.
Multi-function USB data acquisition system, with Analog Outputs.
Multi-function USB data acquisition system, with built-in Termina-
Multi-function USB data acquisition system, with built-in Termina-
tion and Analog Outputs.
OEM Versions (Board Only)
Multi-function USB data acquisition system.
Multi-function USB data acquisition system, with Analog Outputs.
50-pin to standard cables
Cables used to connect the UDAS unit to the termination panel at
your equipment.
USB cable
Connects the UDAS unit to the computer.
UDAS Power Adapters
5 V DC (110 VAC input)
5 V DC (230 VAC input)
TABLE B.1 Accessories for the UDAS-1001E Series
B.1 UDAS Term ination Panels
The Termination Panel plugs directly into the I/O connectors of the UDAS unit, providing 32
channels of digital I/O through four screw-type terminal strips. Stand-off nuts on the UDAS unit
secure the termination panel in place.
B.1.1 PCI-20429T-1 Multifunction Te rm ina tion Pa ne l
This termination panel plugs directly into the 50-pin I/O connector of the UDAS unit. Screw
terminals are provided on the panel to interface all analog and digital I/O lines with external
signals or devices. The PCI-20429T-1 secures to the UDAS unit’s back panel using the mounting
screws provided.
FIGURE B.1 Securing the PCI-20429T-1 to the UDAS unit
Access to all signals on the 50-pin I/O connector, except for +5 V, is provided through four 12-
position terminal blocks. Two of these terminal blocks are used for analog input and output
connections while the other two are used for digital I/O, counter, rate generator out and external
input connections. Screw terminals enable signal wires to be securely fastened to the terminal
FIGURE B.2, PCI-20429T-1 Multifunction Termination Panel shows the signals assigned to each
terminal block on this panel.
PORT 0: Bit 0 is also high-
speed counter input.
PORTs 0 and 1 on the UDAS-1001-E can be independently
configured for input or output.
The CTRCLK, CTRGATE and CTROUT terminations are not
used (N/C) on the EDAS- 1002-E.
FIGURE B.2 PCI-20429T-1 Multifunction Termination Panel
B.1.2 UDAS Term ina tion a nd Signa l Conditioning Options
FIGURE B.3, UDAS-1001E Termination Options uses the various UDAS-compatible termination
panels currently available from Intelligent Instrumentation. Also reference FIGURE B.4, UDAS-
1001E Termination Options (continued).
The EDAS-1010T-1 Analog I/O Termination Panels and EDAS-1011T-1 Digital I/O Termination
Panels are designed for ease-of-use with UDAS units.
The PCI-20430A-1 Adapter (available separately) and appropriate cables permit the UDAS unit
to be used with a wide variety of termination products.
FIGURE B.5, Diagram of the PCI-20430A-1’s connectors and cables shows a diagram of the PCI-
20430A-1’s connectors and compatible cables.
E D A S -1012A-1, -2
50 -pin Unshielded
Analog/Digital Cable
E D A S -1012A-3
4 in. interconnect
Analog/Digital Cable
E D A S -1010T -1
Analog I/O Panels
Cascadable, DIN-Rail Mountable
T O U D A S -1001E
I / O C O N N E C T O R
Channels per panel for use
5B Series Signal Conditioning
Isolator blocks, or direct connection.
I/O types can be mixed
Quick Disconnect Screw Terminal
E D A S -1013A-1, -2
Connect to 34 -pin expansion
connector on any of the
above panels
34-pin Unshielded
Digital Cable
E D A S -1013A-3
4 in. interconnect
Digital Cable
E D A S -1011T -1
Digital I/O Panels
Cascadable, DIN-Rail Mountable
Channels per panel for use
with 1100 Series Digital I/O
O p t o -Isolator blocks, or direct
connection. I/O types can be mixed
Quick Disconnect Screw Terminal Connections
FIGURE B.3 UDAS-1001E Termination Options
Digital I/O Customizer Termination Panel
16 Channels
Opto-Isolated Digital I/O Panel
8 Channels for use with 1100 Series
Digital Opto-Isolator blocks
Digital Cable
Opto-Isolated Digital I/O Expander Panel
8 Extra Channels for use with 1100 Series
Digital Opto-Isolator blocks
Relay Output Panel
16 Outputs
Opto-Isolated Digital Input Panel
To UDAS unit
16 Inputs
I/O Connectors
Ground Plane
Digital Cable
Digital Optical Isolation I/O Panel
Screw Terminal Connections
8 Channels for use with 1100 Series
Digital Opto-Isolator blocks
Digital Optical Isolation I/O Panel
EDAS-1004T -1
Screw Terminal Connections
16 Extra Channels for use with 1100 Series
Digital Opto-Isolator blocks
Digital Cable
Digital Cable
Screw Terminal Connections
Screw Terminal Connections
Digital I/O Customizer Panel
Up to 32 Channels
EDAS-1013A-1, -2
4 in. interconnect
Digital Cable
Digital I/O Panels
Digital Cable
Cascadable, DIN-Rail Mountable
8 Channels per panel for use
with 1100 Series Digital I/O
Opto-Isolator blocks, or direct
connection. I/O types can be mixed
FIGURE B.4 UDAS-1001E Termination Options (continued)
Analog In Single-
Ended Function
Analog In
Differential Function
Analog In Single-Ended
and Differential Function
Analog In (+) Chan 0
Analog Ground
Analog In (+) Chan 8
Analog In (+) Chan 9
Analog Ground
Analog In (-) Chan 0
Analog In (-) Chan 1
Analog In (+) Chan 1
Analog In (+) Chan 2
Analog Ground
Analog In (+) Chan 10
Analog In (+) Chan 11
Analog Ground
Analog In (-) Chan 2
Analog In (-) Chan 3
Analog In (+) Chan 3
Analog In (+) Chan 4
Analog Ground
Analog In (+) Chan 12
Analog In (+) Chan 13
Analog Ground
Analog In (-) Chan 4
Analog In (-) Chan 5
Analog In (+) Chan 5
Analog In (+) Chan 6
Analog In (+) Chan 14
Analog In (+) Chan 15
Analog Ground
Analog In (-) Chan 6
Analog In (-) Chan 7
Analog Out Chan 0
Analog In (+) Chan 7
Analog Out Chan 1
+ 5 VDC
+ 5 Volts
No Connection
Digital Ground
No Connection
+ 5 Volts
Port 0: Bit 0 or Counter In
Digital Ground
No Connection
Port 0: Bit 1
No Connection
Port 0: Bit 2
Port 0: Bit 3
Port 0: Bit 4
Port 0: Bit 5
No Connection
Analog Input Rate Generator Out
External Input
No Connection
Port 0: Bit 6
Port 0: Bit 7
Port 1: Bit 0
Port 1: Bit 1
Port 1: Bit 2
Port 1: Bit 3
Port 1: Bit 4
Port 1: Bit 5
Port 1: Bit 6
Digital Ground
Digital Ground
No Connection
Port 1: Bit 7
FIGURE B.5 Diagram of the PCI-20430A-1’s connectors and cables
B.1.3 Isola tor Blocks
PCI-1100 Series Digita l Opto-Isola tor Blocks
The PCI-1100 Series are digital, optically isolated, signal conditioning blocks. A separate opto-
block is used for each channel, allowing complete I/O flexibility.
The twelve different opto-blocks are divided into two groups: standard and slim-line.
Both standard and slim-line models can be used on EDAS-1011T-1 Panels.
Only standard models (PCI-1101 through PCI-1106) can be used with the PCI-20018T-1 and
PCI-20048T-1 termination panels.
Only slimline models, PCI-1107 through PCI-1112, can be used with 3U sized termination
panels (PCI-20324T-1 and PCI-20326T-1).
Su m m ary of Featu res
All input models accept both AC and DC voltages.
Each provides a TTL output to drive a standard digital input.
Different models are provided for AC and DC outputs.
Units convert TTL outputs from the data acquisition system to switch higher voltage and
current loads.
DC output devices present an open collector NPN transistor to the load.
AC output units contain zero crossing circuitry and switch their loads with triacs.
All models provide 4000 V isolation input to output.
Various combinations of the available opto-blocks can be intermixed on one termination panel.
Each contiguous group of eight channels must contain only input or output opto-blocks since the
digital channels on the Digital I/O UDAS are programmable as inputs or outputs in byte-size (8
bits) units.
PCI-1100 Models
AC/DC input (15-32V), TTL out
AC/DC input (90-140V), TTL out
DC output (5 - 60V at 3A), TTL in
AC output (12-140V at 3A), TTL in
AC/DC input (180-280V), TTL out
AC output (24-280V), TTL in
Ap p e n d ix C
Analog Input and Output
Calibration Procedures
C.1 UDAS Analog Input Circuit Calibration
The analog input section of each UDAS unit is calibrated at the factory prior to shipment. If your
application requires periodic calibration checks or if inaccuracies occur, use the procedures below
to calibrate the UDAS unit. This calibration is accomplished by the adjustment of potentiometers
on the UDAS unit’s printed circuit board.
This calibration procedure requires the utility software provided with the unit, or some other
software such as Visual Designer for displaying the Analog to Digital converter (A/D) results in
counts format and for setting required gains and ranges.
Equipm ent Required:
Precision voltmeter accurate to 100µV over a range of ±10 V.
Precision voltage calibrator accurate to 1.0µV over a range of ±1 V and accurate to 100µV over
a range of ±10 V.
Termination panel for connecting signals and test instruments. A termination panel is built in
to models UDAS-1001E-3 and UDAS-1001E-4.
1.4 mm flat-head insulated screwdriver for adjusting potentiometers.
#1 Phillips screwdriver for opening the unit’s case.
USB equipped host computer.
Static sensitive device warning! To avoid damage to the unit from static electricity,
always use proper static protective procedures (such as use of a grounded wrist
strap) when handling or adjusting this device.
C.1.1 Rem oving the UDAS Unit’s Cover
1. Disconnect the unit from the host computer or any external power supply.
2. Using a #1 Phillips screw driver, remove the two small screws at the far left and right ends of
the unit’s front panel next to the USB and power connectors.
3. Remove the front panel, then slide the case cover towards the front of the unit.
Analog Input and Output Calibration Procedures
4. Connect the UDAS to the host computer and allow at least a 15 minute warm-up period before
performing the adjustments.
The unit may become damaged if you use an uninsulated screwdriver
and accidentally touch other components.
FIGURE C.1 Locations of Potentiometers for Adjusting Analog Circuits on page C-2 shows the
locations of the potentiometers used to adjust the analog circuits on a UDAS unit.
FIGURE C.1 Locations of Potentiometers for Adjusting Analog Circuits
C.1.2 Ana log Input Ca libra tion Procedure
Calibrating the analog input section requires adjusting the input offset voltage, the ± 10V range,
± 5V range, and the 0 to 10V range. The procedures are listed separately, but should be performed
during a single calibration session.
No t e : The input offset voltage must be adjusted and in specified limits beforethe other
adjustments are performed.
Ad jus t Inp ut Offs et Voltag e
1. Attach the termination panel to 50-pin connector of UDAS, unless the unit has built-in termi-
2. Ground analog input channel 0 to analog ground, not digital ground, on the termination panel.
3. Connect a precision voltmeter between TP27 and analog ground, TP21.
4. Run a program, such as SYSCHECK, to configure the UDAS for single-ended operation,
bipolar input (±10 V) and a gain of 1.
5. Read the voltage from the voltmeter.
6. Reconfigure the UDAS for a gain of 100. Adjust R58 so that the offset voltage read from the
voltmeter is equal to the voltage read in step 4.
7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to minimize the offset difference observed between the two gain settings.
The offset difference observed between the two gain settings should be within ±0.5 mV. If pos-
sible, try to achieve less than ±0.2 mV offset difference.
8. Reconfigure the UDAS to a gain of 10 and verify the offset value is less than 0.5 mV different
from the last value read at a gain of 1.
Adjust Offse t a nd Ga in for ± 10Volt Input Ra nge
1. Verify the termination panel is attached to the 50-pin connector of the UDAS device. Begin
with step 2 if the unit has built-in termination.
2. Attach a voltage calibrator to channel 0 with all of the other channels grounded.
3. Run a program, such as SYSCHECK, to configure the UDAS for a range of ±10 V and gain of 1.
4. Set the calibrated input to 0 V, or short channel 0 to analog ground.
5. Set SYSCHECK or other program to average 50 readings. Manually or automatically take
readings repeatedly.
6. Adjust Pot R51 until the software displays 0 V.
Analog Input and Output Calibration Procedures
No t e : On all adjustments, there is likely a range of adjustment resulting in the proper
reading. Determine this range and leave the adjustment in the center of the range.
7. Set the calibrated input to 9.5068 V.
8. Adjust Pot R46 for 9.5068 V.
9. Repeat the procedure and verify the adjustments are correct.
No t e : These adjustment steps are interactive and may require several iterations.
10. Set the precision voltage source to -9.95117 V and check for a reading of -9.95117.
No t e : If the value you read is more than 0.039 V different from -9.95117, then the
following Alternate Bipolar Calibration must be used.
Adjust Offse t a nd Ga in for ± 5Volt Input Ra nge
1. Verify the termination panel is connected to a 50-pin connector of the UDAS unit. Begin with
step 2 if the unit has built-in termination.
2. Attach a voltage calibrator to channel 0 with all other channels grounded.
3. Run a program, such as SYSCHECK, to configure the UDAS for a range of ±5 V and gain of 1.
4. Set calibrated input to 0 V, or short channel 0 to analog ground.
5. Set SYSCHECK or other program to average 50 readings. Manually or automatically take
readings repeatedly.
6. Adjust Pot R39 until the software displays 0 V.
No t e : On all adjustments there will be a range of adjustment that results in the proper
reading. Determine this range and leave the adjustment in the center of the range.
7. Set the calibrated input to 4.5734 V.
8. Adjust Pot R40 for 4.5734 V.
9. Repeat the procedure and verify the adjustments are correct.
No t e : These adjustment steps are very interactive and may require
several iterations.
Adjust Offse t a nd Ga in for 0 to 10 Volt Ra nge
1. Verify the termination panel is attached to the 50-pin connector of a UDAS unit. Begin with
step 2 if the unit has built-in termination.
2. Attach a voltage calibrator to channel 0 with all of the other channels grounded.
3. Run a program to configure the UDAS for a range of 0-10 V and a gain of 1.
4. Set the calibrated input to 0.02441 V.
5. Set SYSCHECK or other program to average 50 readings. Manually or automatically take
readings repeatedly.
6. Adjust Pot R38 for 0.02441 V.
No t e : On all adjustments there will be a range of adjustment that results in the proper
reading. Determine this range and leave the adjustment in the center of the range.
7. Set the calibrated input to 9.97558 V.
8. Adjust Pot R45 for 9.7558 V.
9. Repeat steps 4 through 8. There will be a very slight interaction in these adjustments.
10. After calibrating the unit, slide the unit’s cover back on and refasten the front panel using the
screws removed earlier.
Analog Input and Output Calibration Procedures
C.2 UDAS Analog Output Circuit Calibration
This section applies to models UDAS-1001E-2 , UDAS-1 0 0 1 E-2 G, and UDAS-1 0 0 1 E-4 that are
equipped with the analog output feature.
The analog output channels on the UDAS unit are calibrated at the factory. If your application
requires periodic calibration checks or if you suspect inaccuracies, use the following procedures to
calibrate the unit. This calibration is accomplished by adjustment of potentiometers on the unit’s
printed circuit board.
No t e : This calibration procedure requires the utility software provided with the unit, or
some other software such as Visual Designer for setting the Analog Output levels.
Eq u ip m e n t Re q u ire d :
Precision Voltmeter accurate to 100 µV over a range of ±10 V.
Termination panel for connecting signals and test instruments.
1.4 mm flat-head insulated screwdriver for adjusting potentiometers.
#1 Phillips screwdriver and a small wrench or nut driver for opening the unit’s case.
USB equipped host computer.
STATIC SENSITIVE DEVICE WARNING! To avoid damage to the unit from static
electricity, always use proper static protective procedures (such as use of a grounded
wrist strap) when handling or adjusting this device.
Instructions for opening the unit’s case are listed at the beginning of section C.1.1 Removing the
UDAS Unit’s Cover on page C-1.
Connect the UDAS to the host computer and allow at least a 15 minute warm-up period before
making any adjustments. See FIGURE C.1 Locations of Potentiometers for Adjusting Analog
Circuits on page C-2.
The unit may become damaged if you use an uninsulated screwdriver and accidentally
touch other components.
Ana log Output Cha nne l 0 Offse t a nd Ga in
1. Verify the termination panel is attached to a 50-pin connector of a UDAS unit. Begin with step
2 if the unit has built-in termination.
2. Attach a multimeter to analog output channel 0.
3. Use SYSCHECK or other software to set analog output channel 0 to -10.000 V.
4. Adjust Pot R26 for -10.000 V (±0.2 mV).
5. Set analog output channel 0 to 9.9951 V.
6. Adjust Pot R36 for 9.9951 V (±0.2 mV).
7. Repeat these steps to verify the results.
Ana log Output Cha nne l 1 Offse t a nd Ga in
1. Verify the termination panel is attached to a 50-pin connector of a UDAS unit.
2. Attach a multimeter to analog output channel 1.
3. Use SYSCHECK or your calibration software to set analog output channel 1 to -10.000 V.
4. Adjust Pot R24 for -10.000 V (±0.2 mV).
5. Set analog output channel 1 to 9.9951 V.
6. Adjust Pot R25 for 9.9951 V (±0.2 mV).
7. Repeat these steps to verify the results.
stopping conversions 1-6
analog input 1-3, 1-4
paced 3-11
test 3-5
high-speed analog input triggering 1-7
rate generator 1-6
termination 1-9
analog output 1-3, 1-8
test 3-6
auto zero mode 1-8
digital I/O 1-8
test 3-10
digital I/O port 1 direction 1-9
UDAS pcb A-6
dimensions of UDAS unit 1-10
drivers 2-5
bias resistors 2-4
block diagram, UDAS system 1-2
enabling the CJC circiut 1-9
errors, troubleshooting 3-14
event counter 1-9
cable pinout B-6
analog input procedure C-3
equipment C-1
CJC circuit 1-9
enabling 2-3
external power supply 1-11
clock generator
clock rate 3-11
setting for switches 2-2
counter 1-4
event 1-9
test 3-7
analog input 1-3
analog output 1-3
counter 1-4
digital input/output 1-4
termination panel 1-4
frequency calculations, counters 1-9
counters 1-9
reinstalling 2-3
removal 2-1, C-1
pin, TTL level 3-7
time 3-9
data acquisition functions
hardware specifications A-1
hardware-paced analog input 3-11
acquisition sample 3-12
analog input mode 1-5
analog input triggering 1-7
analog input 1-4
analog output 1-8
analog output channels 1-8
auto zero 1-8
channel scanner 1-6
counters 1-9
digital I/O 1-8
high-speed analog input mode 1-5
starting and stopping 1-5
jumpers, setting for CJC 1-9
starting conversions 1-5
starting conversions, high-speed analog input
mode 1-5
status LED 2-5
stopping conversions 1-6
switch S1 2-2
switch settings 2-1
analog input test 3-5
examples of I/O tests 3-4
installing 3-2
LabView 5.0 support library 1-3
LabVIEW Support 1-3
U-Link software for Windows 98 1-3
Visual Designer Support 1-3
library, software support 1-2
load limitations 1-11
low-level drivers, verifying 3-13
operation 3-2
check 3-4
number of channels 3-11
error message window 3-13
paced analog input 3-11
pacer rate 3-11
port settings 2-3
power 1-11
LED 3-14
supply, external 1-11
test 3-14
power-on default digital I/O configuration 2-1
program sample files in C 1-3
technical support links 3-15
termination 1-9
built-in 1-4
panel 1-10
thermocouple, connecting channel to 2-4
analog input, high-speed AI mode 1-7
analog output 1-8
signal 1-7
voltage 1-8
troubleshooting 3-13
troubleshooting errors 3-14
TTL transactions 3-7
sample rate for channels 3-11
setting the configuration, switches 2-2
setting, port 2-3
support library 1-2
software support
device driver 1-3
drivers 3-14
application generator 1-11
series hardware specifications A-1
software support library 1-2
system block diagram 1-2
verifying installation 1-3
UDAS SYSCHECK 1-3, 2-5, 3-1
analog output test 3-6
system requirements 3-2
UDAS unit
software support library
LabView 5.0 support library 1-3
UDAS device driver 1-3
U-Link software libraries for Windows 98 1-3
Visual Designer support library 1-3
starting and stopping the high-speed analog
input mode 1-5
configuration 2-1
cover removal 2-1
initial connection 2-5
models 1-1
serial number 3-3
UDAS-1001E-1 1-1
UDAS-1001E-1G 1-1
UDAS-1001E-2 1-1
UDAS-1001E-2G 1-1
UDAS-1001E-3 1-1
UDAS-1001E-4 1-1
U-Link software libraries for Windows 98 1-3
unit info, serial number 3-3
Universal Serial Bus (USB) 1-1
USB cable connections 2-5
USB port 3-13
Visual Designer
application generator 1-11
support library 1-3
UDAS support library 1-12
wizard, add new hardware 2-5
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