Pa1X / PA1X Pro Main Features
NEW RX Technology – Up to FIVE oscillators per
voice and multi-level sampling for rich and natural
sounding instruments. Over 1000 sounds (780 pre-
320 Performance settings to create custom setups
and recall them at the touch of a button
NEW SongBook feature – Create a searchable
database of your Performance settings- by title, artist,
tempo, key- and instantly recall one to recreate that
Color TouchView Interface. Quick and intuitive -
including on screen Help menus
TC-Helicon Vocal Effects + Four Stereo Effect
Processors. UPGRADEABLE to include Pitch
correction and Vocal Modeling!
Multi-Channel Backing Sequencer to instantly record
up to 8 backing tracks and up to four real time tracks
– each to a separate track - all in one pass!
Enhanced Style Functions – 608 Style locations (450
pre-loaded) Styles up to 32 bars long with 3 intros,
3 fills, 4 variations and 2 endings. Tap-Tempo,
Reset & Fade in/out.
Unique XDS Dual Sequencer allows loading from one
sequencer while playing back the other sequencer. DJ
style crossfader for smooth, immediate transitions
from song to song in real time!
16 Bit 48kHz Sampling with Auto Time Slice/Extend
and more pro editing functions. Loads AIFF, WAV,
TRITON and AKAI data.
Exciting options include CD-RW, MP3 encoder/player,
Video Lyric Interface and much more!
USB for direct connection and to share files with your
PC, plus coaxial S/P DIF digital output
Making Connections
Playing the Demo Songs
Playing Sounds
Selecting and playing Styles
Adding the Real-time tracks
Using the TC-Helicon Vocal Processor
(Quick Record) Using the Backing Sequencer
Saving your settings (Performances)
The SongBook
Suggested Styles to Try / Owner’s Manual References
Pa1X / PA1X Pro EasyStart
Please begin this guide by powering up the unit, so that the screens come up in the proper order!
Playing the Demo Songs
1. Press both the STYLE PLAY and SONG PLAY buttons. Demos will automatically start to play, however you
can also select Solo Instrument, Style or Full Song demos by pressing the appropriate box in the
TouchView display, then selecting the desired demo from the list on the screen.
2. Press the EXIT button to return to the main demo screen to select a different demo category.
3. Leave the Demo Play mode by pressing the STYLE PLAY mode button.
Playing Sounds
The Pa1X is the first Korg product based on the new RX Technology (Real eXperience). Each sound can
use up to five oscillators and takes advantage of new sample data, including natural vibratos, slides,
tongued and overblown flutes, guitar pull-offs and more. What does this mean to you? More realistic,
detailed natural sounds and a more “Real eXperience” for both you and your fans!
1. Press the SOUND mode button. Here you can try out and play individual sounds. In this mode the sound
will be played across the entire keyboard and will be heard solo without a Style accompaniment.
2. Grand Piano should be the currently selected sound. This is indicated in the “Sound Info” area at the upper
part of the display. Try the Piano!
3. Press anywhere in the “Sound Info” area (where Grand Piano is displayed). The sounds are catagorized into
banks indicated by the side tabs. Currenty we are in the “Piano” bank. Press the “Guitar” tab then press
“Nylon Slide Pro” to select this sound.
4. Play the keyboard with varying degrees of velocity (light,medium and hard) to hear the different guitar
articulations including a cool slide!
5. Now select one of the great trombone sounds using the following alternate method of selecting sounds.
Press the SOUND SELECT TRUMPET & TROMBONE button Ä press the “P2” tab then select “Trobone
Pro Vel”. Again, play with varying degrees of velocity to hear how expressive the Pa1X can be!
6. Press the SOUND SELECT ACCORDION button and select “Harmonica AT”. Play and press down while
holding the note. Pretty nice, isn’t it?
7. One last thing here. Press the SOUND SELECT DIGITAL DRAWBARS button. Use the eight sliders on the
front panel to adjust the drawbars and try it out. DSP modeling…ain’t it great?!
In the STYLE PLAY mode (Explored in the next section) up to four sounds can be layered
See page 166/167 of Owner’s Manual for details on playing and editing sounds and the Digital Drawbar
Pa1X / PA1X Pro EasyStart
Selecting and Playing Styles
There are 450 fully editable preloaded Styles in the Pa1X and room for over 150 more. A Style consists of up to eight
accompaniment tracks. One or two can be used (like drums and bass) to simply supply you with a rhythm section, or
all eight if you need a full big-band to back you up.
1. Press the STYLE PLAY mode button then press the KEYBOARD MODE SPLIT button.
2. Styles can be selected in two ways. First, select a Style by pressing anywhere in the “Style” area in the
upper left of the display. Select a Style category by pressing one of the “tabs” in the display then select a
Style within that category. You can also press a STYLE SELECT button to select a Style category and then
select a Style within the catagory.
3. Select a Style. Press the SYNCRO START button then press INTRO 1. Play a chord on the lower section of
the keyboard the Style will begin playing, first with an intro and then will automatically go to the main style.
4. There are four variations, three fills, three intros and two endings for each Style, allowing you to create a
realistic performance! Try out some of the Variations and Fills while playing the Style by pressing a
VARIATION or FILL button. Press one of the ENDING buttons to have the Style play a musical ending or
simply press the START/STOP button to stop the Style cold.
5. To change the tempo of a Style, press and hold the “Shift” button under the display and rotate
theTEMPO/VALUE dial.
There is a list a suggested Styles to try on page 7 of this EasyStart.
Cool Tip:
Use a complex chord (7th, sus2, sus4, etc…) when auditioning Styles – the Style playback will be
more musical and interesting. For example, play a chord using the notes C, F and G.
Adding the Real-Time Tracks
The STYLE will play up to eight backing tracks, and you can play up to four additional tracks in real-
time; three layered on the UPPER half of the keyboard, and one on the LOWER portion of the
1. Press the STYLE PLAY button. The right side in the display shows which sounds are currently assigned to
this STYLE. A small “MUSIC NOTES” icon will appear next to a voice if that track is active (turned on). An
“M” icon next to a track indicates the track is muted (off). The top three sounds listed relate to the UPPER
half of the keyboard (labeled “UP1”-“UP3”). The last sound on this list is for the LOWER track of the
keyboard (labeled “LOW”).
2. To change the sound assigned to a track (Upper 1, etc.), press the sound name in the display. Select a bank
using the “tabs” or by pressing a SOUND SELECT button. Select the desired sound.
3. Below the DISPLAY are four buttons labeled SINGLE TOUCH SETTING (STS1-4). Press one of these, and
you can see the sounds assigned to the STYLE change. There are four STS (Single Touch Settings) for each
STYLE. This feature allows very quick set up of sounds that correspond to the selected STYLE. Press the
“STS Name” tab in the lower track of the display to view the sounds assigned to the STS buttons.
4. Try playing different STYLES and using the STS buttons to call up new sounds. Play with both hands to hear
these tracks.
5. To turn a track on, press the “M” (mute) to the right of the sound name so it changes to the “MUSIC
6. To adjust the volume of a track use the SLIDERS labeled UPPER 1,UPPER 2, etc. You can view all eight of
the Style tracks in the display by pressing the TRK.SEL. button to the left of the STS buttons. Press the
TRK.SEL. button again to return to the previous screen.
Pa1X / PA1X Pro EasyStart
7. Play the PADS! There are four PADS and a STOP PAD above the keyboard. Each one is assigned a different
sound or sound effect. New and different sounds can be assigned to any PAD.
See the Pa1X/PA1X Pro Owner’s Manual pages 76-98 and for more details on Style Play mode.
Using the TC-Helicon Vocal Processor
Inside the Pa1X is a powerful TC-Helicon Vocal processor! It’s possible to add effects such as reverb,
delay and compression to your vocals as well as produce four part harmonies with selectable gender per
part. There are even optional upgrades for pitch correction and vocal modeling.
1. Press the STYLE PLAY button then press the “Mic” tab in the display.
2. Uncheck all the “master” switches (Harm/Mod,Lead,V1,V2, etc.) in the display.
3. Make sure the MIC/IN1 switch is set to MIC then connect a microphone to the MIC input.
4. Sing into the microphone and adjust the rear panel MIC GAIN knob, so that the AUDIO IN LED (to the
right of the TEMPO/VALUE DIAL) is lit GREEN while you sing. If the LED is a constant RED, turn it down.
5. Adjust the MASTER VOLUME and the AUDIO IN / ACC1 SLIDERs to the desired volume.
6. In the display, press the VP Preset: X popup and select “002 –Moving Vocals!”. Play some chords on the
lower part of the keyboard while singing to hear the harmonies.
7. To remove one of the four harmony parts, uncheck the “switches” labeled V1, V2, etc.
8. Try some of the other presets by pressing the VP Preset: X popup and selcting other presets.
See the Pa1X/PA1X Pro Owner’s Manual Pages 62-65 and 214-224 for more on the Vocal Processor.
(Quick Record) Using the Backing Sequencer
The Backing Sequencer (Quick Record) function let’s you record a Style with all its elements and real-
time tracks quickly and easily. This is a great feature for getting ideas down quickly, as well as taking
advantage of the wonderfully programmed Styles for writing songs. Why reinvent the wheel?
1. Press the STYLE PLAY button and select the desired Style.
2. Press the SEQUENCER button. The upper part of the DISPLAY will read “New Song”.
3. Press the RECORD button (the red button to the left of the DISPLAY).
4. Press the “Backing Sequence(Quick Record)” radio button in the display then press “OK”.
5. Press the big, red, START / STOP button. There will be a one bar count-off before recording begins.
6. Start Playing!
7. Press the Sequencer 1 PLAY / STOP button to end the sequencer recording. (Pressing the Start/Stop
button will NOT stop the sequencer!)
8. Press PLAY / STOP button again to hear your sequence. Ta – Da! You and the Pa1X have created a SONG!
One of the great features of the Backing Sequencer is the ability to change what you’ve recorded easily.
For instance, if you like the progression but want to use a different style or you want to change a
chord(s) in your progression it can be quickly done without having to re-play the parts…
9. Press the red RECORD button to the left of the DISPLAY then select “Step Backing Sequence” and press
10. In the lower part of the display you can move one event, measure or step at a time and change the Style,
Tempo, Chord, etc. of your song with out having to re-record it.
Pa1X / PA1X Pro EasyStart
11. To exit press “Done”, then press “Yes”.
Now to save your song to a disk:
1. Press the ▼popup in the upper right of the display and select “Save Song”.
2. If you have a PA1X Pro or have installed the optional Hard Drive in a Pa1X, you can save it to the HD. If you
want to save to a floppy disk, make sure you insert a disk in the drive.
3. Press the X popup in the lower left of the display to choose either the floppy disk (“FD”) or hard drive
(“HD”), and then press “Save”.
4. Name your song by pressing the T next to “New Song” and give it a good, strong hit worthy name. Press
“OK” then “OK” again. When propted, “Are you Sure” press “Yes”.
For more detailed information on using the sequencer, see pages 66-70 and 144-165 of the Pa1X/PA1X Pro
Owner’s Manual.
Saving your settings (Performances)
When you have a Style that you like and sounds you enjoy using with that particular Style, you can save
all these setting together as a Performance. Other settings saved with a Performance are the tempo,
any needed effects and transpositions, the Vocal Processor preset and volume settings. Up to 320
Performances can be saved.
1. To save a Performance, press the STYLE PLAY mode button. Press the ▼popup in the upper right of the
display and select “Write Performance”.
2. You can NAME your PERFORMANCE by pressing the T next to Name: and entering characters in the
display. When finished, press “OK”.
3. For now, let’s select an empty user location to save your performance so you don’t over write the presets.
4. For “Perf. Bank:” select 19 – User 2 and for “Performance:” select “08-empty”, and then press “OK”.
The SongBook
One of the most powerful performance features of the Pa1X is the SongBook. An onboard music
database that let’s you organize your Performance settings for fast, easy retrieval. Each entry may
include the artist, title, genre, key, tempo and meter of a specified song. You can add your own entries
as well as edit existing ones.
1. Press the SONGBOOK button. Here you can scroll through the list of hundreds of exsisting entries. This
could take awhile. Let’s make things easier...
2. Press the “Filter…” box in the display. Here you can narrow your search down. For instance. Pop songs that
have a tempo between 100 and 130 BPM. Press “Cancel” to exit this screen.
3. Select one of the songs you may be farmiliar with and then Press the “Select” box in the display.
4. Press the START/STOP button to play the selected file.
For more details on the SongBook functions, see the Pa1X/PA1X Pro Owner’s Manual Pages 54-61 and 139-
Pa1X / PA1X Pro EasyStart
Suggested Styles to try
World 3
Great strumming. Start with Intro 1
and use the Fill 3 (break) to transition
between Variations! Play with a
passionate heart Amigo.
Smooth Baby! Just relax…
Nice guitar picking pattern! Move
around by adding 7ths, 9ths and Sus
Swing HipHop Soul & Funk
8/16 Beat 2
Bar Country
Jazz 1
User 2
32 bars to trade fours with the
Nice pedal steel voice; in the Style
Noodleville – Like your old Tangerine
Dream LPs played at 78 RPM!
Lively AND Mellow!
Latin Dance
Important Owner’s Manual References
Glossary of Terms
Style Record Mode
Sampling operating mode
Disk edit mode
Recognized chords
Installing the Hard Disk, CD-RW, MP3 Board and other options
Don’t forget to check the website often for OS updates and other goodies! www.korgpa.com
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