Bush Standard Definition DigtialSet Top Box DFTA2 User Manual |
Standard Definition Digital Set TopBox
The Gold Technical Support Line: 1902215 259
(Charges will apply at$2.95 per minute)
Thank you for buyingthis Bush product, whichis designed to giveyou
many years of trouble-freeservice.
You mayalready be familiar withusing a similar unit,but please take time
to read these instructions.They are designed tofamiliarise you with the
unit s many features and to ensure youget the very bestfrom your
Safety is important
Your safetyand the safety ofothers is important. Pleasetherefore, ensure
you read the Safety Instructions before you operate thisunit.
In the unlikely eventthat your product failsto work normally,please call the
below Bush warranty numberfor support.
Bush Warranty: 1800509 394
New Zealand
Bush Warranty: 0800450 259
Safety Instructions
Always read the safety instructions carefully
Keep this Instruction Manual for future reference
Keep this device away from humidity
Lay this device on a reliable flat surface before setting it up
Do not stand it on soft furnishings
If any of the following situation arises, get the Set Top Box checked by
a service technician:
It has been exposed to moisture
It has been dropped and damaged
It has obvious signs of breakage
It has not been working well or you cannot get it to work according
to the Instruction Manual
Toprevent the risk of electric shock, do not open the cover or the
back of the receiver.
Do not block the ventilation holes of the device. Leave appropriate
gap above and around it to allow for adequate ventilation.
Do not place the device in an unventilated cabinet or on top of a unit
which emits heat.
Copyright Statement
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form by any means
without the prior written permission. Other trademarks or brand names
mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective companies.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
The manufacturer does not make any representations or warranties
(implied or otherwise) regarding the accuracy and completeness of this
document and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any
commercial damage, including but not limited to special, incidental,
consequential, or other damage.
About the Set Top Box
This Set Top Box allows youto access Standard DefinitionFree-to
-Air Digital TV Channels and Radio Broadcastson your TVset. Its
digital reception covers VHF & UHF band. Digital TVeliminates
noise and interference and offers highquality video and audio.
An easy to use on-screen installation guide is provided. In addition,
a fully featured Remote Control is included that offersyou access
to every feature with a simple press of a button.
Main Features
Standard Definition Digital TV Ready
Composite Video Output
RF Loop Through
Simple To Use Automatic Set Up System
7 Day Manufacturers Program Guide
Automatic Channel Search
DVB Compliant
Easy Menu System
Remote Control
Parental Control
Package Contents
Before installation, please check the items of the package.
The package shouldcontain the following items:
~ Set Top Box
~ Remote Control
x1 pc
~ AAABattery for the Remote Control x1 pair
~ Instruction Manual
~ Composite RCACable
x1 pc
x1 pc
Table of Contents
Panel Illustration..................................................1
Remote Control
Basic Operation ................................................................. 6
Quick Installation....................................................... 6
Menu Operations........................................................ 7
Normal Play.............................................................. 12
Troubleshooting ...........................................................14
Panel Illustration
1. Front panel
1. REMOTE CONTROL SENSOR: The remote control sensor receives the
signal from your remote control.
1. RF IN: The RF IN allows you toconnect your external aerial.
2. RF LOOP THROUGH:The RF Loop Through Inputallows you to connect to
your aerial through either yourTV or other home entertainment device.
3.COMPOSITE VIDEO Out: The Composite Video Output allowsyou to
connect the Set Top Box to your TV. Providing you with digital picture.
4. AUDIO L/R: The Audio L/R Outputallows you to connect the SetTop Boxto
your TV. Providingyou with digital Audio.
5. MAINS POWER INPUT: The Mains Power input allows youto connect the
Set TopBox your main power supply.
Remote Control
Remote Control Functions:
1. MUTE: Press the Mute Button to turn thesound
on or off.
2. NUMERIC BUTTONS: Press the Numeric
Buttons to select a channel directly orto enter
your password or Teletext options.
3. RECALL: Press the Recall Button to return
back to the last program you werewatching.
4. INFO: Press the INFO Button to display the
program information of the channel you are
5. SUBTITLE: Press the Subtitle Button to turn on
or off the Subtitle feature.
6. EXIT:Press the EXIT Button to canceland exit
any menu options.
7. CH+: Press the CH+ Button to scroll upthrough
the channel list or menu options.
8. VOL+: Press the VOL+ Button to increase the
volume or navigate through the menu.
9. OK: Press the OK Button to confirm aselection
within the menu.
Press the Red/Green/Yellow/Blue Buttonto
operate different functions in the Teletext menu.
Press the YellowButton to also switch between TV
and Radio mode.
11. STANDBYButton: Press the Standby Button
to turn the unit on or of.
12. FAV: Press the FAVButton to enter your favourite channels list.
13. AUDIO: Press the Audio Button toselect and set the sound output.You can select
Stereo, Left, Right, Mono.
14. MENU: Press the Menu Button to enter theMain Menu.
15. EPG: Press the EPG Button to enter the7 Day Manufacturers Electronic Program
Guide to display the week's channel information.
16. VOL-: Press the Vol- Button todecrease the volume or to navigate themenu.
17. CH- : Press the CH- Button scroll downwards throughthe channel list or navigate
the menu.
18. TEXT:Press the TeletextButton to enter the Teletext OSD Menu.
19. PAUSE:Press the Pause Button to pause orplayback the program being viewed.
Note: SUBTITLE/TEXT/LANGUAGE may not be available for all channels
Installing the Batteries
Remove the battery coverfrom the remote controland put 2XAAA
size batteries inside the compartment. Thediagram inside the
battery compartment shows the correct way to install
the batteries.
1.Open the cover
2.Install batteries
3.Close the cover
Using the Remote Control
To use the remote control, point it towards the front of the digital set
top box. Theremote control has a range of up to 7 metres from the
set top box atan angle of upto 60 degrees.
The remote control will not operate if its path is blocked.
Sunlight or very bright light will decrease the sensitivity
of the remote control.
Caution: Make sure to checkthe voltage specification ofthe wall
outlet is the samerating with the receiver. To prevent the riskof
electric shock, do notopen the cover orthe back of thereceiver.
TV Aerial
TV Aerial
Basic Operation
1.Quick Installation
1.1 Setting Country andLanguage
After you have connectedthe Set Top Box follow thebelow steps to
begin the Installation Guide:
1. Press the Menu Button to enter the Main Menu.
2. Use the Navigation Buttons to select the SETUP sub-menu.
3. Then use the Navigation Buttons to select the Installation option.
4. Press the OK Button to then confirm.
When you have enteredthe Installation menu youwill be asked to
set the Country andLanguage you desire. Followthe below steps to
1. In the Installation option use the Navigation Buttons to select the
Country option.
2. Then use the Navigation Buttons to select the Country Setting.
3. Press the Navigation Buttons to select the OSD Language option.
4. Then use the Navigation Buttons to select and set a language.
1.2 Updating your Channel List?
You canupdate your channel list by conducting either an Auto Scan
or Manual Scan. Followthe below instructions onhow to update
your channel list.
1.2.1 Auto Scan
Auto Scan will erase the channel list and scans for all available
stations. To conduct anAuto scan follow thesteps 1-8 of section1.1
and then press the Red Button on the remote control to check the
channel list is clear. Press the OK Button to confirm clear action and
start Auto Scan.Press the Exit Buttonto cancel and exitthe Auto
Scan menu.
Figure 1. Clear database message
Basic Operation
1.2.2 Manual Scan
You canManually scan foravailable stations viaManual Scan
without deleting thecurrent list. To conduct aManual Scan follow
the steps 1-8in section 1.1.
Then press theGreen Button toenter Manual Scan Menu.
Press the Up/DownButton to selectthe Frequency option.
Use the NumericButtons to putin the Frequency/station you would
like to searchfor.
Then select theBandwidth by using the NavigationButtons.
Press the OKButton to confirmand begin scan.
Press the Exit Buttonto exit.
Figure 2. Manual Scan edit
2.Menu Operations
Once the channelscan is finishedand all thechannels are stored
into the database, youcan start to watchthe digital terrestrialTV
channel or listen tothe radio broadcast, sometypical operations are
given in thischapter.
2.1 Main Menu
Toview the MainMenu, press theMenu Button, thenfollow the
prompts to the relevantsub-menus and settings.
Basic Operation
2.2. LCN
Set the Logical Channel Numberto on or off.
Note: LCN is a number that uniquelyidentifies a logical channel,
which is popular in someeuropean countries such as England,France.
2.2.1 Daylight Saving/Region Setting/TimeZone
Allow you to enable ordisable daylight saving. If youknow the region of
your location,select an appropriate RegionSetting or set theTime Zone
offset manually.
2.2.2 TV Setup
Setup the display mode forTV. SeeFigure 3.
Flesh Tone
Black/White Expansion
Figure 3. TVSetup TV Format
Figure 4. VideoEnhancement
Set display formatfor watching program, such as 4:3LB, 4:3PS,
16:9PB,16:9 FIT.
4:3LB(LetterBox): Typicallyfor wide screencontent displays on
conventional 4:3 TVwith black barsabove and below thepicture.
4:3PS(PanScan): Typicallyfor wide screencontent displays on
conventional 4:3 TVwith left andright edges cropped.
16:9PB(PillarBox)/16:9 FIT: Typicallyfor wide screen 16:9TV. OSD Transparency
You canchange the On Screen Display transparencywith this
setting. Use the NavigateButtons to adjust.
Basic Operation Banner DisplayTime
You canset the BannerDisplay Time with this setting. Use the
Navigate Buttons to adjust.
2.2.3 Password
Set or change the password selectPassword setting andenter the
default pin code 6666and then enter the new password usingthe
Numeric Buttons. Menu Lock
Lock the menusby password. Channel Lock
Lock the channel which has been setto lock statuswhen turning on
Channel Lock. Please see section for details. Censorship Lock
Lock the programby password and censorship threshold.
The censorship infois in program content. Under thecensorship
user has to enterthe right password forwatching program.
2.2.4 Advance Timer
You canset a scheduled program reminder manually or via the
TV/Radio EPG.
2.2.5 Factory Reset
When you restore yourSet Top Box to thefactory default settings,
all settings will be deleted and you will need to rescan for all
available channels.
To switch between TVand Radio mode press the TV/RadioButton.
The operation of the List and Guide of TVand Radio work and follow
the same steps.
Basic Operation
2.3.1 List
To seta program to yourfavourite list press the FAV Button. There
are 8 groups offavorites for you toset your favourite programto
(News, Sport, Movie, Music,Shopping, Travel, Boyand Girl). Use
the Numeric Buttons toselect to Favourite groupyou wish to set.
If a programis password protectedyou will needto enter theset
password to unlockbefore watching whenthe Lock Functionis
Figure 5. TV List
Rename will allowyou to changethe name ofa program inthe
program list. Themaximum length is20 characters. Usethe
Navigate Buttons and NumericButtons to select tothe characters to
change the program name.Tosave press the RedButton and OK
Button. Press theExit Button thenexit the setting.
Move will allow youmove the position ofa channel in thelist.
Note: This optionwill not appears inthis list when SETUP-
>Installation ->LCN isset to ON.
You cansort the programlist as desired. You cansort byA<->Z or
Note: This optionwill not appears inthis list when SETUP-
Basic Operation
Toset a programto Skip inthe program list, press the OKButton on
a selected programand a skipstatus will beactivated.
Todelete a programfrom the programlist, press theGreen Button
when the programhas been selected. Then press theOK Button to
confirm. The programwill now be removedfrom the program list.
You cansearch for a programby name using thesearch function. In
the Program Menupress the Left/RightButtons to selectSearch
option and pressthe OK Button. In the Searchmenu, press the
Navigate and NumericButtons to inputthe search term. Press the
OK Button toconfirm and beginsearch.
2.3.2 Manufacturer Electronic ProgramGuide (EPG)
The EPG providesyou with programinformation about the
programs scheduled forthe next 7days. To enter theEPG Menu,
press the EPG Buttonon your remote control.The use theNavigate
Buttons to scroll throughthe information displayed. Pressthe OK
Button to showdetailed information ofthe program selected. Toexit
press the ExitButton.
Figure 6. Guide - Event
(1) Press <RED>button to enterBook page and<YELLOW> button
to save after edited.If it conflictwith itself or otherevent, a conflict
message will be displayed.The successful bookingwill be added to
Main Menu-> SETUP->Advance Timer(see section2.2.4).
Basic Operation
3. Daily Operation
3.1 Information
To view the information of the program you are watching, press the
Info Button and the information will be displayed.
Figure7. Normal Play -Radio
Figure 8. Program Info
3.2 Changing the Channel
To change the channel, press the CH+/- Buttons or use the Numeric
Buttons to input theprogram number directly. Youcan also press
the Recall Button to return to the last program you viewed.
3.3 Volume
To adjustthe volume while watchingTV, pressthe Vol-/Vol+Buttons.
To turn the sound ofcompletely press the MuteButton. To turn
sound back on pressthe Mute Button againor the Vol-/Vol+Buttons.
3.4 Program List
To view the Program List, press the OK Button. Thenuse the
Up/Down/Left/Right Buttons to scrollthrough the list. Pressthe OK
Button to confirm and selections or press the Exit Button to exit the
3.5 Audio
To change the Audio set up, press the Audio Button to display the
audio channel page. Then use theUp/Down Buttons to select you
Audio set up youwish to use. Pressthe Left/Right Buttons toadjust
and press OK to confirm.
Basic Operation
3.6 Pause
Press the Pause Buttonto pause the playof video and audio.Press
again to resumeplay.
3.7 Teletext
Toenter the Teletext Menu, pressthe Text Button. Pressthe
Numeric Buttons toselect the Teletext page youwish to view. To
confirm press theOK Button. You can changethe language byusing
the Up/Down Buttons. Toexit press theExit Button.
Figure 10. TeletextSetting Page
Figure 9. Audio Channel
3.9 Subtitle
To displaythe subtitle screen, pressthe Subtitle Button.Then press
the Up/Down Button to select your desired subtitle language. This
may depend on theprogram you are watching and the program
broadcaster. To confirm your subtitle setting press the OK Button. To
exit, press the Exit Button.
3.10 TeletextSubtitle
To displaysubtitle through the Teletextfunction, press the
Text/Subtitle Button to display teletext or subtitle setting page. Then
press the Left/Right and Up/Down Button to select TTXSubtitle.
Press the OK Button to confirm and press the Exitbut to Exit option.
Press <GUIDE> button at normal play state, see section 2.3.2 for
Subtitle Language
Figure 15. SubtitleSetting Page
If you experienceproblems with thisreceiver or itsinstallation, in the
first instance pleaseread carefully therelevant sections ofthis User
Manual and thisTroubleshooting section.
Check the Mains power
is firmly connected and
switched on.
The unit will not
turn on
The power is not connected
The Mains fuse may be blown
Check your power source
and fuse.
Check that the aerial is
connected correctly,
properly aligned and is
not damaged.
Check the cables are
Audio Cables and/or Video
Cables are not connected.
connected correctly and
firmly and turn on the unit.
Broadcaster has lost signal
Check another channel
Run a factory reset and
rescan for all available
Enter the default
password to unlock and
reset password.
Can't access locked Forgotten password
After moving the
Set TopBox to
another room, you
are unable to find
Please keep your receipt as proof of purchase. This product is
warranted for any defect in materials or workmanship for one year
after the original date of purchase. This product is for normal
domestic and officeuse only.This warranty doesnot cover damage
from misuse or neglect, accidental damage, vermin infestation,
excessive voltages such as lightning or power surges or any
alteration that affects the performance or reliability of the product.
In the unlikely eventthat your product failsto work normally, please
contact the Bush Warranty on 1800 509 394 (Australia) or 0800 450
259 (New Zealand) and have your receipt of purchase on hand.
This warranty is subject to the following provisions:
This warranty is in addition to,and does not diminish,
your statutory orlegal rights.
PO BOX 6287,
Bush Warranty: 1800 509 394Australia
Bush Warranty: 0800 450 259New Zealand
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